5 Ways to Humanize Your Brand
Posted: 06/22/2020 | Author: Staff for Creatives On Call | Tags: Guides and Resources

Consumers want to converse and interact with brands like humans. A deciding factor for consumers in brands they choose to purchase from is whether or not a brand is human-like.
Today’s consumers are overwhelmed with choices. The brands that stand out are the ones that interact with consumers as a helpful friend or family member would.
At Creatives On Call, we want to help you get the most out of your brand, especially as business start to open back up. Reach out to our client service reps to schedule a quick meeting to discuss how our team and professionals can help your brand shine through a combination of high level marketing, design, and much more.
In a survey conducted by Zoovu, 68% of consumers said they want brands and retailers to provide them with honest and personal advice. In other words, they want a relationship. Companies that put customer relationships ahead of a sale will build trust with consumers and ultimately gain their loyalty. At the end of the day, that’s what brands want- loyal customers.
Here are some ways brands can act more like humans with consumers to ensure a long-term relationship.
Have a Conversation
Humans have conversations and brands should, too. In the past, a marketing tactic has been to blast messages to consumers hoping they’ll eventually stick.
But conversations are two-way and messages are one-way.
Brands looking to interact with consumers more like a person should consider having a conversation with their customers instead of email and social media blasts. And they should talk like real people talk.
Through today’s technology, brands can talk to potential customers by striking up a conversation through text or a messaging platform.
In a Twilio study, 66% of consumers say they prefer to be reached by brands through a messaging channel such as Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp. And half of the consumers surveyed want to talk to brands through text on their mobile devices.
Messaging channels and text are the way consumers communicate now. Naturally, they want to communicate with brands this way, too.
Brands that can meet the consumers where they are already communicating and talk to them like a friend would, have the best chance of gaining new customers and keeping them.
Implement AI
One way to have customer conversations is to implement Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. AI technology doesn’t necessarily replace interacting with a real live human. AI can help brands talk and interact with customers as a human would.
Companies are using chatbots, virtual assistants, and voice intelligence to have more personal interactions with their customers. A startup, Dasha AI, is one of many AI startup companies aiming to help companies talk more like humans through its technology.
Dasha claims its technology is “human-indistinguishable” and that 93% of people who talk to its AI actually think they are talking to a human because of its use of natural language and speech disfluencies such as ums and ahs.
AI is the future. It’s a way brands can humanize an element of their customer service, marketing, and sales to provide a more personal conversation with customers.
Show Your Brand’s Personality
People and brands have personalities. Brands that express their personalities can connect better with their customers.
Brands such as General Electric, Geico, and Trolli candy, do an excellent job of showing a sense of humor and fun in their branding through memes, AI, and mascots.
Everyone knows the Geico Gecko which brings fun and personality to what could be seen as a rather dull industry. Trolli candy maker’s bot uses quizzes and weird GIFs to connect with its young target audience.
Wendy’s fast-food chain does a great job of showing their brands personality on social media in the way they talk. It’s informal and reads like something a person would say.
Brands shouldn’t be afraid to show their sense of humor through their marketing. It makes them more like a human and it is a way they can connect with customers that draw them in and keeps their attention.
Deliver Personalized Experiences
People engage personally. Brands that engage personally will win the customer’s wallet. Data from Accenture shows that 75% of consumers are more likely to purchase from a company that knows their name and purchase history and recommends products based on their preferences.
Over a third of consumers ended their relationship with a company last year because the experience wasn’t personalized enough (Accenture).
Addressing consumers personally, with their name and interests is a way for brands to humanize. Providing personalized customer experiences will increase sales and brand loyalty.
Be Real and Admit When You’re Wrong
Humans make mistakes. And now it’s OK that companies do too - as long as they come clean about it. Data is increasingly showing that consumers want brands to admit when they screwed up. They value transparency and authenticity in brands more than ever before.
89% of people said in a report from Sprout Social, that a company can regain their trust if they admit they made a mistake and are transparent about the steps they are taking to resolve the problem.
And consumers believe companies have the responsibility to be transparent when posting on social media, but only half think companies are somewhat transparent.
Transparency is the key to trust which makes customers loyal. Consumers want brands to be more human-like in the way they own up to their mistakes and are authentic in their communication.
Humanization is a Powerful Marketing Tactic
Brands need to act and talk like real people. They need to show their silly side, address customers by name, put relationships first, and be open. Because that’s how people engage and connect.
Humanizing your brand is the new way to market. It’s proving to be more effective in gaining customer loyalty. Consumers have high expectations for brands and they keep getting higher.
They now expect brands to communicate with them as a person would. Humanizing can be a powerful marketing tool that leads to stronger customer relationships. Questions on how to get this implemented into your business? Let’s chat.
More resources for your business below:
• How Evaluating & Sharing Strengths Can Make a Smoother Transition Back to the Office
• Getting Your Marketing Back On Track
• How Uncertainty Impacts Retail Behavior
• How has COVID-19 Impacted Our View of Companies