Celebrating International Women's Day
Posted: 03/05/2021 | Author: Michaela Mitchell for Creatives On Call | Tags: Creatives On Call News

Every March we are able to celebrate the accomplishments and achievements that women have made throughout American history. March has been proclaimed Women's History Month by presidents since 1995, coincidentally the year of Creatives On Call’s founding! Now, this might just be a coincidence, but there could be something magical going on here. As a Women-Owned company, Creatives On Call is dedicated to promoting equality and opportunity for all, and today is a time to celebrate and uplift the women in our lives.
What is International Women’s Day?
International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8th with a different theme every year across the globe. This year’s theme is #ChooseToChallenge, opening up the conversation about what we each can do to fight bias. According to Lean In, 73% of women experience bias at work, which can negatively affect their work experience and output. In order to bring awareness to this bias, #ChooseToChallenge was born. For example, you can #ChooseToChallenge the pay gap. You can #ChooseToChallenge gender stereotypes. You can #ChooseToChallenge yourself to maintain a gender equality mindset. The possibilities are endless. You can even download a social media template to put a photo and write what you #ChooseToChallenge this year.
Here are some additional ways you can celebrate International Women’s Day:
- Send a personal note to a female mentor that you really admire and appreciate. Let her know that you are celebrating her today!
- Do the work, research, and put the time into making sure you are advocating for yourself financially at your job. Talk to other women about their experiences and empower yourself and others to make a change.
- Read a book that focuses on the story of the female experience. Penguin Random House has accumulated an excellent collection for this.
- Attend a Virtual International Women’s Day Event. You can see a list of events that are happening across the globe here.
- Volunteer with a women’s shelter or female advocacy program. Many local diaper banks also collect feminine products for women. I personally have donated to the St. Louis Alliance for Period Supplies who distribute products throughout the city to those in need.
- Set up a virtual coffee date with women in your network.
- Support your local women-owned businesses. Pinterest is highlighting women-owned businesses on their homepage all month!
- Celebrate women in film and make a list of “Must Watch” movies to work on this month.
No matter how you choose to celebrate International Women’s Day, it’s simply a great excuse to give the women in your life some extra kudos and share that you value them. What will you #ChooseToChallenge this year? Post in our Slack Channel! Extra credit if you post one of the social media templates mentioned above.