Education, Higher Learning & COVID-19
Posted: 08/21/2020 | Author: Angela Ozar for Creatives On Call | Tags: Thought Leadership, Industry News

Interested in some insights on the Education industry during and caused by COVID-19? Creatives On Call has kept an eye on this industry and would love to unpack some of our findings. Additionally, we work with a plethora of creative professionals that specialize in the many specific areas of this specific industry who could help to hit the target audience for your business. Reach out, we’d love to chat.
Schools are starting to go back all across the country, and it looks different for everyone. For months, there have been discussions between educators, schools, and the government about what to do because of COVID-19. Back to school plans are either entirely online, in the classroom, or a hybrid of the two.
Going back to school this year is unlike any other year. Let’s look at how COVID-19 is affecting education and higher learning and what it means for parents, students, and businesses.
EdTech Companies to the Rescue
As schools nationwide shut their doors in early spring due to the Coronavirus, education technology companies were there to equip everyone with remote learning resources.
Learning must go on during a pandemic, and luckily online education makes it possible for students to continue their education at home. EdTech companies, such as Khan Academy and Chegg, offer online educational services like textbooks, tutoring, and courses, catering to the K-12 crowd.
According to Research and Markets, the online education industry is expected to reach $350 billion by 2025. Online education is flexible and supports education and businesses.
In education, EdTech helps to supplement the school curriculum. Many parents and teachers will lean on it for the next school year and beyond. While Khan Academy is a non-profit, Chegg and several other EdTech companies have their niche and are publicly traded.
Banks and investment companies should consider investing in some of these publicly traded companies, capitalizing on the increase in demand for online education, and look for other EdTech start-ups to add to their portfolios.
Online learning isn’t just for kids. Companies can use online education to upskill their employees. The World Economic Forum has predicted that over half of employees will require significant upskilling for jobs by 2020. EdTech companies can help train and educate a business's employees for the future.
Online education is a trend that will continue post-coronavirus because of its accessibility. Whether it’s offering online training for employees to upskill or promote products through online ads on EdTech sites, businesses can leverage online learning.
Equity and Technology
The possibility of education going either totally remote or partially remote has raised concerns about access to technology for everyone. After all, public schooling is ideally supposed to level the playing field for all students, no matter their circumstances. The home lives of students can be very different from city to city and student to student.
School from home raises issues about all students getting access to resources, supplies, support, and technology to participate in online learning. Districts and higher education institutions have to think about getting students what they need and who will pay for it.
Some options are for schools to offer students stipends for internet access and laptops, or provide equipment loans and purchase hot spots for students who need them. For example, universities have already started signing with internet and telephone providers to supply hot spots and no data limits as a benefit for students. Other universities are adding these costs onto tuition to support offering more online classes.
The increased demand for technology has created an opportunity for IT and tech equipment companies to partner with schools with support and supplies. Schools' needs go beyond education too. Student’s mental and physical health needs to be addressed to succeed during the disruption brought on by COVID-19.
Tele-health, counseling, and physical fitness companies can lend a hand and offer their services to schools and students to promote positive mental and physical health during this stressful time.
Students still need to have fun, especially if they are isolated from their peers. Companies can offer online experiences for students to play, such as activities, games, and social experiences. AI and virtual reality could provide virtual recess and gym. Kids need to be kids and escape from social distance rules and regulations.
What happens to career fairs, pep rallies, and student activities? Online event conferencing software and Zoom, make it possible for prospective employers to meet with students. With everything happening online, there may be more opportunities now for employers to be speakers in classes, promoting their companies.
Naturally, with an increase in online activity, businesses aren’t the only ones looking for potential applications. Hackers now have plenty of opportunities to strike. Deloitte cited a rise in the number of phishing, ransomware, and malspams attacks through COVID-19.
Cybersecurity has been a hot topic for the last few years and is even more critical today. Schools need to ensure their networks are secure. IT companies can step in here to help educate schools, parents, and students on cybersecurity best practices and provide tools to help maintain privacy and security.
Child Care Challenges
Parents have tough choices to make. Most parents are working from home. Whether their children will be at home full time or part-time, who will make sure they are cared for and on track with their education?
There’s sure to be a demand for online tutoring and safe child care. Businesses can help their employees be productive and take some of the burdens off by helping their employees solve these challenges.
It could look like allowing parents to work different schedules or come into the office on certain days for limited hours. Maybe it’s creating more opportunities for job sharing so employees can work and be teachers. Everyone has a different situation and requires a unique plan.
Parents need a plan for their children while trying to work from home. They’ve already had a sample of this arrangement during stay-at-home orders, but now it’s time to consider a long-term solution. The easier employers can make it on their employees by supporting them, the more productive and loyal they will be.
Equipping the Future of Education
COVID-19 has made education complex. There are so many variables and parts to figure out, ensuring education continues amid the pandemic. Safety, of course, is essential but also essential is to keep kids learning through formative years.
Online education opens opportunities for businesses to meet the challenges of learning from home. Equipment, bandwidth, security, and support are needed to have school from home. Not to mention, food, emotional support, and physical activity that make learning and growth possible. As education changes, companies need to dig in and roll up their sleeves, helping their employees and themselves.
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