Goals to Help You End the Year Strong!
Posted: 11/02/2020 | Author: Michaela Mitchell for Creatives On Call | Tags: Guides and Resources

Thanks to Creatives On Call pro recruiter, Michaela Mitchell for giving us her rundown on 2020 goals.
We have had very little control over 2020 and the craziness that has ensued. But that’s not to say that we have lost control over ourselves or our career paths. I know that some goals I set for myself back in January have been adapted to the times or even erased. We still have 2 months left of the year—that’s plenty of time to cross some goals off the list or set new ones!
One of the most intimidating acts is writing on a blank piece of paper, so I’ll make it easy for you and share some samples of achievable goals to make the end of 2020 brighter.
Perform a personal annual review. Analyze what went well this year for you or your business. What lessons did you learn? What do you want to continue in 2021? What do you want to do differently? How will you improve? What was your favorite project you worked on? Write these down so you can create a S.M.A.R.T. plan of action as you end the year and enter the next.
Revamp your resume. Creatives On Call Recruiter Brianne has a whole blog post on how to do this. Make sure you set yourself up for success in 2021 by having an updated, polished resume at the ready.
Attend a virtual networking event. There are several creative organizations that have been hosting virtual workshops, happy hours and other ways to connect with creative professionals. Some of my go-to events are hosted by Creative Mornings, AIGA, Ad Club, Together Digital, and Venture Cafe. Virtual events are a fun way to fill your cup with personal and professional connections during this unprecedented time.
Take an online class to learn a new skill. There are so many free or inexpensive courses out there with Skillshare, LinkedIn Learning, Udemy or others. Many online platforms even have free certification programs like Google’s Google Analytics Academy! Creatives On Call also has an archive of our Artists As Experts Webinar Series.
Find a mentor or mentee. Connect with someone you admire in the industry and ask if they’ll join you for a virtual cup of coffee. One of my favorite aspects of the creative industry is the kindness that radiates from creative individuals. We are here to help one another, so find someone that you can ask for advice. Tip: This is a great way to help you develop 2021 goals!
Create a self-care routine. Burnout is real. Set goals for yourself that will help alleviate and prevent burnout so that you can be the best you can be. Whether it be listening to your favorite album as you complete a project or take a brisk walk with your pet, self-care is valuable in your professional life.
Start a list of your 2021 goals. If you have an “aha” moment, write it down! Start making goals and plans for next year.
Take back control of your year and let’s finish 2020 together strong! Which goals will you be implementing into your plans?
Questions or want to chat? I'd be happy to talk to you: Kathryn.sturm@creativesoncall.com