Thank You from Creatives On Call
Posted: 05/08/2020 | Author: April Koenig for Creatives On Call | Tags: Creatives On Call News

On behalf of the entire Creatives On Call team, I'd like to extend our gratitude to our amazing creatives for their loyalty, support and extraordinary work during the past few months. I’d equally like to applaud our many clients for their constant confidence in our team; many of our clients have grown and built new protocols to extend their way of conducting business during this unexpected test of the market and it has increased our admiration for such strong business partnership.
These days have been new territory for many of us; the transition, call to attention and ingenuity that so many of our creatives have personally taken to lessen the burdens for our clients is nothing short of amazing. As many of our clients contemplated the need to suspend their work in trepidation of remote working methods many of our creatives embraced their concerns, rose to the occasion, fostered, educated and eased many of them into this new work channel with flying colors. The transition has not just been doable but has been a startling success. The client’s business growth has flourished; and the ingenuity brought forth from this unique challenge has not only increased but ultimately altered team effectiveness going forth.
Our goal is to continue to bring you the service and convenience you need and desire; for some it is a new way and for others we will resume as before but either way we all know it may look a little different than it has in the past.
As a national organization we reside in many cities and states; as they begin to share plans to reopen, we will begin to coordinate in local stride and share our plans as well.
Nothing is more important than ensuring your health, the health of our employees & creatives, as well as the health of company employees. Every decision I intend to make will be prioritized with what is in the best interest of everyone’s health. Our offices will continue to be operating remotely, during the month of May. All of the staff is available via phone, online/video conference and email. Engagement of work, projects, hiring placement, recruiting and operations are open. Your Recruiter, Account Executive and the creatives are able to work remotely without issue.
We are going to take a phased approach, only reopening offices when:
- Allowed by state and local governments
- We have received and installed all of our safety materials for our office staff and visitors
- We have secured and educated our staff on safety measures and protocol
- We are fully confident that we can ensure the wellbeing of everyone that walks through our doors
When we do reopen, more than anything we want you to feel safe. As thus, we are taking the following steps.
- Provide face coverings for employees;
- Require face coverings for visitors;
- Practice social distancing of six feet or more, including limiting the number of people in the office;
- Increase cleaning and sanitization;
Again, thank you for your continued loyalty and trust in Creatives On Call.
We look forward to connecting soon, however you choose to engage with us.
Stay well,
April L. Koenig